Dealing With The Green-Eyed Monster

Green Eyed Monster
Green Eyed Monster

Life sometimes doesn’t seem fair:

  • You work hard in your career…and someone else gets the raise and recognition.
  • You feel as if you’re the one who does all the compromising and giving in your marriage, while other couples seem to have achieved a 50-50 romance effortlessly.
  • You cherish your friends, you really do, but they seem to get all the benefits of your loyalty while you do all the work.

What Should You Do When Life Gives You Lemons?

We’ve all been there, experiencing times where it seems as if everyone else at work and in relationships are happy in their seemingly perfect lives and you’re slogging along.

And despite all that advice about making lemonade when life gives you lemons, feeling envious or jealous may seem inevitable at times.

What’s Age-Old Wisdom Got To Say About It?

1 Corinthians 10:13 offers us hope, telling us that God “will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Proverbs 14:30 cautions us against feeling envious and reminds us of the joys in peace: “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand,” reads Isaiah 41:10.

Here’s the thing. There is nothing wrong with recognizing the feeling when it wells up inside of you. You’re human. You’re subject to the whole range of stuff that goes with being a person.

Your Passion and Higher Purpose

But, if someone is doing better than you, maybe even through doing less, having more privilege, or even being devious, understand that you are due your reward in your way, and they will get theirs. We are all here to find out passion and purpose. We are here to learn how to better serve our fellow man and woman and be good stewards of the Earth that was created for us.

When someone gets ahead because they stacked the deck, understand that unfairness happens — but it is temporary. They cannot take it with them, but they can take their own guilt with them to their last breath.

When someone gets ahead through hard work, a little luck and a few heaping spoonfuls of prayer, shift your focus on being supportive. After all, this isn’t about competition. Life is about working together. You might see your own life improve when you shift that outlook.

Finally, maybe it could be time to re-evaluate. Perhaps you aren’t on the right path. Focus on what you can do to support your purpose and live the life that you should be living. Because when you start to openly and lovingly pursue those things that call to you, when you support other people in their mission to do the same, you may find that the envy melts away.

Copyright 2021