Start Your Day Right


Most of us greet the day by silencing our alarms, stretching, or trying desperately to get a few extra minutes of sleep before we need to get up and begin the day. Mornings can be rushed with frenzied activity, or they can be slow and sleepy. But what if we could start the day waking up with God?

Our morning routines can set the tone for the day. By starting our morning focused on our faith, we can set our intentions. We can be reminded of our love for God and for others and commit each day to living out our values from a place of strength and compassion.

For that added morning motivation, watch this short video that we found for you. With a daily practice of waking up with God, we may be able to banish those frenzied or exhausted mornings and fill them instead with a sense of calm, purpose, and peace.

Copyright 2021