Trust Is A Precious Thing
Friendship Seed VIII:
Trust is a precious thing. As children, we tend to give it freely. Once it’s been broken enough times, though, we put...
A Greater Impact
Life is a web of chances and choices, each a part of not just one person’s story, but many. Your soul is part of...
Celebrate The Fullness
Friendship Seed VI:
Differences are like hidden treasures, just waiting to be discovered as we open ourselves to others. Cultures are like precious metals to...
You Play An Important Role
Friendship Seed V:
Friends come and go. Some stay with us for a lifetime, while others are only temporary. All are valuable and come into...
The Tongue of the Wise Brings Healing
Our friends may sometimes do and say things that hurt us --- even if they love us. Give those words to God, then try...
A Sweet Friendship Refreshes The Soul
Friendship I:
God made each of us so that we each add different combinations of flavors to the world: some people are sweeter, some are...
A Real Friend
If you're one of those "negative people" that the internet is urging people to dump from their lives, it can really hurt and be...
A Precious Kind of Love
When the rest of the world walks away from you, you true friends will stay. Through thick & thin, laughter & pain, joy &...